- Listen, I'm not...
- I'm sorry, I can't...
Go on!
I'll send you to a Gulag!
No... But, it took me
a while to figure out why
it felt, you know, so different.
And then, one day, as I was walking
through the Jewish cemetery,
I don't know why,
but it occurred to me there,
I realized that I had spent
the last 2 weeks
away from most of my habits.
TV was in a language I didn't understand,
So, all I've been doing was...
walk around, thinking right!
My brain felt like it was at rest,
free from the consuming frenzy.
And I have to say, it was
almost like a natural high.
I felt so peaceful inside,
no... strange urge to be
somewhere else,
to shop...
Maybe it could have seemed
like boredom at first,
but it quickly became very,
very sore full.
It's interesting, you know?
Can you believe that it was 9 years ago
that we were walking around Vienna?
Nine years?
No that's impossible...
It was, it feels like two
months ago to me,
but it was summer '94.
Do I look any different?
I do?
I'd have to see you naked.
- What?
- I'm sorry...
Your hair was different
back then, it was like...
- What, it's the same...
- Take it down, let's see!
- Down, it was down.
- Yeah.
Well, voila!
Ok, come on, tell me.
Skinnier, I think,
more thinner.
Did you think I was fat before?
Yeah, you thought I was a fatty.
No, you thought I was a fatty...
You wrote a book about
a fat French girl!
- Oh, no.
- Seriously, all right,
you look beautiful.
Do I look any different?
No, no real... oh, actually,
you have this line.
- I know.
- Looks like a scar.
A scar? What, a gun shot wound?
No, no, no, I lied to you,
I'm sorry.