Before Sunset

she would always warn me
about dirty old men,

giving me candy,
and then showing me their penis...
She was so obsessed with it, that...
later in life, you know,
I had...

I had this image in my head
that that's really happened!

To the point that I even associated
sex with that walk home.

I mean, sometimes, even now,
when I'm...
when I'm having sex, I see
myself walking down that street.

I swear!
It's so weird, right?
Well, is that street near by?
I mean, could...
Very far.
Did you ever keep a journal
when you were a kid?

Uhm, yeah...
On and off,
I guess.

It's funny, I read a...
one of mine from '83,
the other day.

And, what really
surprised me, was that

I was feeling with life,
the same way am now.

I was much hopeful and naive,
but the core,
and the way I was feeling things,
is exactly the same!
It made me realize I haven't
changed much at all.

Yeah, I don't think anybody does,
and people don't want
to admit it, but it's like we just...

we have this innate set points.
- Aha.
- You know, it's like...

nothing much that happens to us
changes our disposition.

Really, you believe that?
I think so. I read this study
where they followed people

who won the lottery, and people
who had become paraplegic, right.

You'd think that...
you know, one extreme
is gonna make you...

euphoric, and the other suicidal.
But the study shows that
after about 6 months,

- Uhum
- Right...

As soon as people got used to
their new situation,

they were more or less the same.
- The same?
- Well, yeah...

Like if they were basically
an optimistic, jovial person,

they're now an optimistic,
jovial person, in a wheel chair.

If they're a petty miserable asshole,
ok, they're a petty miserable asshole
with a new Cadillac, a house and a boat.

So, you now be forever depressed,
no matter what great
things happen in my life?

- Great!
- No, come on...

Are you depressed now?
No, no, I'm not depressed.
But, sometimes I worry that
I'll get to the end of my life feeling
I haven't done all I've all I wanted to do.

Oh, what do you wanna do?
Oh, I want to paint more,
I wanna...
