I remember thinking at the time, that...
so many of the men that
I admire most, you know,
that their lives were...
were dedicated to something
greater than themselves...
So, you got married because men
you admire were married?
No, no, no, it...
It's more like I have this...
this idea of my best self!
You know?
And I wanted to pursue that...
even if might have been overwriting
my honor other self!
You know what I'm saying?
I mean, it's funny like...
in the moment, I remember thinking
that it didn't much matter
the "Who?" of it all...
I mean, that nobody is
gonna be everything to...
And that ultimately, it's just a simple
action of committing yourself,
you know, meeting your
responsibilities that...
that matters.
I mean, what is love?
Right, if it's not respect,
trust, admiration? And I...
I felt all those things!
So, cut to the present tense,
I feel like I'm running a small nursery
with somebody I...
used to date.
I mean,
I'm like a monk, you know.
I mean, I've had sex less than...
... 10 times in the last 4 years.
What, what?
Are you laughing at me?
It sounds pathetic?
What monastery you know
where monks have sex 10 times?
Ok, I'm doing better than
most monks. All right?
But I do, I feel like if somebody were
to touch me, you know,
I would dissolve into molecules.
Well, we're here.
We've gotta go.
Come on.
- Bon soir!
- Bon soir!
I'm sorry, uhm...
to hear that...
- You know, that...
- What?
you're not that happy
with your marriage.
Well, this friend of mine,
she's a shrink, and...
Yeah? How's she doing?
She's a mess, but...
No, she was telling me that
she's been dealing with a lot of couples
that are breaking up
for the same exact reason.
Uhum, what reason is that?
Well, all this couples expected
after a few years of living together
for the passion, that consuming desire,
to be the same as in the beginning.
- It's impossible!
- No, I know, I know that...
I mean, God, otherwise we
would end up with aneurism
if we were in that constant
state of excitement, right?