I've lived in the
theatre since I was a kid.
what I don't know about acting
isn't worth knowing.
now, you may be 20 years
old and just beginning,
but I think you're a genius.
you've got magnetism,
but no idea how to use it.
you have to grab the audience
by the throat and say:
"now, you buggers, you
pay attention to me!"
and remember this,
when you're on the stage acting,
theatre is the only reality.
everything else, the world outside,
what civilians call the real world,
is nothing but fantasy.
and I bloody well
won't let you forget it.
the trouble is, darling,
I'm an incurable romantic.
I believe in love,
I believe in happiness,
I believe in us.
no, you don't.
you're just saying that.
there's someone else, isn't there?
I love you, I do.
I do, I
love you--
and I used to believe
we'd live happily ever after.
didn't you?
with every fiber of my being.
only now...