Being Julia

good morning, miss Lambert.
good morning, Margery,
is anyone with my lord and master?
darling, what are you doing here?
I want an answer, Michael.
what's the question?
what did I say to you
before we went to sleep last night, hmm?
uh, I give up. what did you say to me
before we went to sleep last night?
I said I was tired.
it seems a perfectly natural thing
to say before you go to sleep.

Christ, Michael, you can be
an irritating little shit!

Julia, Julia, really,
if your public could
only hear your language.

I want them to hear.
I want every bloody one of them to hear.
I'm tired. I am utterly exhausted.
I need a holiday.
just admit it, Michael.
you've never understood what it means
to carry a play,
to sweat it out night after night.
I'm the only one who takes it
seriously, Michael, you know that.

all you do is count the money and
think it's a bloody great lark.

take the play off.
but we'll lose a fortune.
our partner won't like it.
to hell with dolly!
I'm sorry, sweetheart.
god, I didn't mean to be so vile.
it's just I'm-- I'm
near to breaking point.

everything's so tedious.
I want something to happen.
I wish I knew.
please. please close the
play at the end of the month.
