I'm sure your mother's
as excited as I am
at the thought of being with you.
we'll have such fun at my place, Julia.
you could do anything you like.
rest. anything.
I've changed my mind. I don't know why,
but I'm beginning to enjoy
myself again. oh, but--
let's run through the summer
and then find something
new for the autumn.
but I've... I-I've...
I've told the Italians.
then un-tell them.
and I was so looking forward to France.
stars will be stars.
I forgot.
oh, my god. a cartier.
well spotted. when's your birthday?
November 20.
happy birthday.
uh, but it's not November 20.
don't be so pedantic. open it.
oh, that's the one thing
I've wanted my whole life.
thank you.
uh, geez, it's lousy
I can't give you anything in return.
give me that watch you
pawned to buy me supper.
have you redeemed it yet? ah! thanks.
it'll amuse me to wear it.
I love you, Julia.
this is total insanity.
I'm old enough to be...
god, I'm a fool,
I'm such a bloody fool.
good morning, Evie. where's my wife?
in your study.
my study? mmm-hmm.
what's she doing there?