hello, daddy.
glad to be finished at Eton?
no mummy?
no, it's Saturday. she's got 2 shows.
3 and 4 pence, sir.
she'll be down first
thing in the morning.
thank you so much.
thank you, sir.
here, let me give you a hand.
she's bringing a young
chap down with her,
your age more or less.
a yank. I think you'll like him.
I get no kick from champagne
mere alcohol doesn't thrill me at all
so tell me why should it be true
that I get a kick out of you
what's the matter?
tell me.
it's... I--I--I
just don't...
I'm worried sick, that's all.
what about?
tell me, tom. what?
it's money, I owe money.
is that all?
I thought it was something serious.
well, it's ok for you, Julia,
but I just can't afford
all the things we do.
nightclubs, restaurants.
how can you let a trifle
like that upset you?
don't worry about it.
I'll give you the money.
no, I--I couldn't take
any money from you.
what nonsense.
why grudge me the happiness
it gives me to get you out of a hole?
I get a kick out of you
I thought tonight
we might play mahjong.
do you play
mahjong, tom? no, I--
sorry, um, no can do. we're going down
to the pub to assess the local talent.
oh, I might come with you.
the barmaid is an absolute stunner.
god, you're all so vulgar.
well, mummy, you have an early night.
it'll do you good.
you're looking awfully fagged.