Beyond the Sea

So, you're playing me.
- I am you.
- You think you got me down?

I know you better than they do.
We could do it 100 times,
it'd never be good enough.

It's OK if he yells at me,
but not at the other guys.

They've been working their asses off, man.
I've never worked
with such an arrogant asshole.

Listen, you prick.
There are four people here who can't be fired.
You're not one of 'em.

He might be an asshole... but he's our asshole!
Look, he finally found himself.
So how do you think we should start?
You want some truth? I'll give you some truth.
The kid is right.
This is how to begin -
on the street where I grew up,
with my sister Nina, my brother-in-law Charlie,
and, to me, the greatest
in the world - my mother Polly.

Mrs Cassotto, I'm sorry to have to tell you.
- The boy has rheumatic fever.

What is it?
- It's a strep infection.

But why is it so painful?
Rheumatic fever damages the heart.
It affects the joints and the muscles, too.
So, what do we do, Doctor?
How do I make him feel better?

Just make him as comfortable as possible.
Just tell us the truth.
You can never go wrong with the truth.
Even with the best medical care in the world,
the boy will be lucky to see his 15th birthday.
Come and sit down, Doctor.
What are you doing? Come on, Bobby.
Silly man doesn't know what he's talking about.
Come on, let's get you back into bed.
