Beyond the Sea

- Have you ever even acted before?
- Well, I'm learning.

But, blondie, you're not
exactly Audrey Hepburn.

OK, people, that's lunch. One hour.
Poo-Poo, how you doin', boy?
The name's Pom-Pom and she's a girl.
Sandy, don't let that little cupcake
ruin your make-up.

Mary, there's something I don't understand,
you'll have to explain it.

How is it possible that you are Sandy's mother,
not her sister?

Oh! Mr Darin.
No. I'm serious. Look at the two of you -
side by side, you're mirror images of each other.

Honey, when you smile,
just make it a really soft smile.

Keep your lips a little... That's good.
There she is, Charlie, the girl I'm gonna marry.
I want you to find me a florist, a good one.
I want to send 18 yellow roses
to her hotel suite every day.

No cards. She'll know who they're from.
I'll give it a week, maybe less.
It won't take that long for Mary to cave.

You're gonna send roses to the mother?
You always make sure the mama dog likes you
before you go near her puppy.

Mary ain't no Rin Tin Tin.
She's a tough broad with a star to protect.
You're gonna get yourself in a lot of trouble.
Charlie, this is trouble I can handle.
Your florist is gonna make more
out of this movie than you are.

I know you want to act convincingly
and everything,

but in the front of your mind, think, "What are
my lips doing now? Where are my teeth?"

Sandy and I just got off on the wrong foot.
If I could just get her away from her mother.
Just imagine, Bobby Darin and Sandra Dee.
We have a photo shoot in less than an hour.
I want you to wear the dress the studio sent over
from Paris. Don't forget the belt.

That's it. I'm gonna start
all over. Like we've never met.

Only this time I'll romance her
the best way I know.

Hello, Sandra Dee, I'm Bobby Darin.
