Ice cream. A good book.
What about you? What kind of things
does Sandra Dee like?
Er... long walks on the beach.
Crossword puzzles.
Empty studios.
- Elvis.
- Hey.
Just making sure
you're paying attention.
I'm paying attention, trust me.
You know, I was right about you.
Right about what?
You're gonna be easy to love.
# Someday, I don't know how
# I hope that she'll hear my plea
# Some way, I don't know how
# She'll bring her love to me...
May I have this dance, Miss Sandra Dee?
I would be honoured, Bobby Darin.
# That's the only thing to do
# Till all my lover's dreams come true
# Because I want a girl
# To call my own
# I want a dream lover
# So I don't have to dream alone...
Oh, you son of a bitch!
I felt sorry for you and you betrayed me.
Mary, I think you're overreacting.
I said you could take her out sightseeing.
For publicity.
- I didn't say you could marry her!
- Mother!
We are only engaged.
You, come with me!
# Because I want a girl...
You... You don't even know how
to comb your hair without me.
You don't know how to dress without me,
walk, talk to people without me!
I'm the one who brought you into this world.
I created you.
You'd fall apart in 15 minutes without me.
Oh, Mother, please.
When the time is right and you're ready,