Why not let one of the great
comedians play here?
Because I say so. You understand? It's policy.
I understand but, frankly, to hell with policy.
This is 1960, not 1860.
I heard you had a mouth on you,
kid. Save it for singing.
Listen, Mr Podell,
I respect that this is your club, I truly do.
But if you don't let George Kirby open for me,
I can't be responsible for the consequences.
You threatening me? Hm?
I'm cautioning you, Mr Podell.
Have you never heard of a sit-in?
A sit what?
It's a very popular form of protest today.
It's where members of the black
and the white community...
actually, all communities,
come together to an establishment
that they feel is being unfair
to their brothers and sisters.
Then the media shows up,
they hold hands, and they... they sit.
Sometimes for days.
They sit?
Yeah, they sit and erm...
And they sing.
You know, songs like, what's the...?
Oh. We Shall Overcome.
Overcome what?