# Come and sing the simple song of freedom
# Sing it like you've never sung before...
Sing Dream Lover!
# Let it fill the air, tell the people everywhere
# We the people here don't want a war
# Seven hundred million, are you listening?
# Most of what you read is made of lies...
Sing Splish Splash!
# But speaking one-to-one...
What is this, hm?
Is it a joke?
Bobby, you're turning into a total hippie!
I don't have much time left. I'm a dying man.
Stop that.
I'm not gonna listen to that shit from you.
- It's not shit! It's the truth!
- We're all dying.
That's not what I'm talking about!
- Every day I live is a miracle!
- I know. You weren't supposed to reach 16.
- Don't you make fun of me, Steve!
- I'm not making fun of you!
How am I supposed to react when you tell me
the same thing for the 2,000th time?
They booed me off the goddamn stage
like I'd swindled them
out of their last 15 friggin' bucks!
They wanted to hear Dream Lover!
They're not ready for the new you!
They either take me as I am,
or I don't want them!
Bobby, in seven years you've made ten films,
won two Grammies, had seven Top 10 singles,
got nominated for an Academy Award...
What the hell more do you want?
I just gotta find myself, that's all.
Everybody else seems to know who you are.
But you keep looking.
When you find yourself, give me a call.
Then we'll see where we are.
You don't really think I'm crazy?
My watch is slowing down.