# Freedom! Freedom!
# Freedom! Freedom!
# Freedom! Freedom!
# Freedom! Freedom!
# Freedom!
We love you, Bobby!
Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. Please, sit down.
You've been a wonderful audience.
It's been delightful to be back in Las Vegas.
I hope you've had luck at the tables.
Er... I may not be er... performing for a while.
I'm gonna take a little break.
And as a result, I may not get a chance
to publicly do something
that I've wanted to do for a very long time.
And that is to... introduce to you
the woman who raised me.
My mother, Nina Cassotto Maffia.
Please, take a bow, Ma. Take a bow.
- That's my son.
- All right!
That's my son.
I wanna do a song
that has been especially written for tonight.
Its lyrics have been changed.
It was an old Bob Hope number, actually.
But we'd like to do it for you tonight
as our way of closing and saying good night...
as soon as Richie's finished
with that thing he's composing over there.