Has it?
Well, you didn't show it to me
when you first got it, so...
I didn't open it
until I got to work.
Weren't you curious?
I didn't knowwho it was from.
Anyway, don't be silly.
Do me up.
We're gonna be late.
I can understand why a little boy
would be in love with you.
Let's stop talking
about the little boy.
I want to go out with my fiancé.
I love you.
Don't you think we should call Jimmy
and find out who he is?
Christ. Let's just forget about it.
Aren't you interested?
It's probably just some prank.
Hey, Jimmy.
Uh, Joseph, 1001.
Listen. a little boy named Sean
left a letter for Anna--
Jimmy's outside.
Who is this?
I think your husband's downstairs.
You're on your own?
My dad's upstairs.
Huh. Does your father live here?
Can I talk to your father?