Blade: Trinity

Yeah, we.
He's come back.
Take a look at this.
You gotta be kidding me.
Where'd you guys
get this stuff?

I stole most of it.
Danica had a huge collection.

You got stonework, ironwork,
weaponry, art.

It's this stuff that shows up everywhere.
This symbol, this glyph--

It's on everything in here.
He is real.
You dig beneath all the-- the myths,

all the layers of bullshit that have cluttered
our culture for the last 500 years,

and eventually
you're gonna strike the truth.

So the movies are true.
The movies are just a comforting
fairy tale compared to the real deal.

Bram Stoker-- he wrote a good yarn,
but the events that he described
back in 1897--

God. That was just a tiny piece
of the mosaic.

The real Dracula-- his origins
date back much, much earlier than that.

How early?
Try six or seven thousand years.
This is a piece of his armor.
With it, we were able to extrapolate a
basic idea of what this fucker looked like.

Check this out.
Dracula's only one
of the names he's gone by.

The Babylonians worshipped him
as Dagon, and now they call him Drake.

If you believe in the legends,
he was born in ancient Sumeria.

Nobody really knows the specifics
of his origin, but we do know this.

He was the first of his kind.
The patriarch of hominus nocturna.
He was born perfect.
And just like the great white shark,
this guy has never had to evolve.

Forget the movies, forget the books.
There's no happy ending with this guy.
He's been there,
moving behind the scenes,

cutting a bloody fucking path
through the ages, until suddenly...

...just like that...
...he up and disappeared.
And then we heard a rumor.
The vampires were searching for him.
Some say he'd been sleeping
through the ages,

that he'd retreated from a world
he'd become disgusted with.
