Because he wouldn't have
a traditional skeletal structure.
Something more like a snake's,
with thousands of tiny bones--
I have a-- I have a question
about that, Hedges.
Have you ever been laid?
Many times.
With ladies.
Time for a little pressure.
The weakest link
in the vampire chain of command
has always been their familiars.
Since the vampires can't go out
in the daylight,
they get the humans to do
all their dirty work.
We bleed the wannabes...
Sooner or later,
they'll take us right to the real.
I got you some new wheels.
You take care of it now.
She's making playlists.
She likes to listen to MP3s
when she hunts.
It's like her own
internal soundtrack, you know?
Dark core, trip hop, whatever
kids are listening to these days.
Me, I'm more of
a David Hasselhoff fan, you know?
Come on, come on
like that, ya'll
Come on, come on,
like that, y'all
Let me see you say ho
Let me see you say ho
Ah! Aah!
Eventually, you know,
your head is gonna pop off.
Fuck! No, no!
Please, please! Please.
Who's your handler?
I don't know my fucking handler.
I swear. I swear!
Oh, shit! Please! Please!