What happened?
Where's Woodhead?
Er ist tot
He is dead!
Look what they did to me!
You were told not to go
on their territory
We were on the road to Riata
They attacked us
Well, they've killed
one of our own!
What are you gonna do
about that, Marshal?
We can't just sit around here
with our tails between our legs
while they try to fence us
in from all sides!
You're a southpaw, huh?
Ain't you left handed?
You say I'm lying?
You think I sit on a horse
and do this myself?
And it must have hurt
I am a Prussian Officer!
The Von Luckner family is well
respected in Germany for many years
I'm a man of science
a geologist
I make maps
I've never seen
anything like this!
The whole world's gone mad!
but I'll find out what happened