Bride & Prejudice

but I bet there's a slight price difference.
How much does it cost
to stay in one of your hotels?

A good room's about four,
five hundred dollars a night.

That's more than what most people
make here in a year.

Well, pretty bad when you put it like that.
But, people who can afford it,
they want the best. It's...

There's nothing wrong
with having standards, is there?

No, as long as you don't impose them on others.
- This is your first Indian wedding?
- Mmm, yeah.

And it's been an experience.
You're not enjoying it?
No, no, I am. I just find the whole
arranged marriage thing a little strange.

I don't know how two people can get married
that don't know each other.

I mean, it's a little backward, don't you think?
That's such a cliché.
It's different now.
It's more like a global dating service.

The groom looks pretty happy.
Did his parents force him into it?

No, he asked his parents
to find him a bride, actually.

He was busy running his company.
- He just wanted it to be simple.
- I see, and so he came here.

Is that what you think, too,
that India is the place to go for a simple woman?

No, that's not what I meant.
Americans think they've got the answers
for everything, including marriage.

Pretty arrogant, considering they've got
the highest divorce rate in the world.

What I was trying to say
is that he wanted a bride who was traditional.

Darcy! Stop boring her to death
and come and get down with us.

Listen, er...
I'm a hopeless dancer, but...
well, this looks like you just screw in
a light bulb with one hand,

you pet the dog with the other.
Will you teach me?
You know what?
I think you should find someone
simple and traditional

to teach you to dance like the natives.
