And why are you so tired?
I work a lot.
And I'm a few months pregnant.
Yes, I guessed as much.
I saw you arrive on a scooter.
You know, that's not recommended at all.
- I have no choice. I live far away.
- Exactly.
Can't your local doctor
put you on sick leave?
Well... yes.
I'm not keeping the baby.
You're going to give birth anonymously?
How do you mean?
You'll have it adopted?
That's called an anonymous birth.
You really can't try to keep the child?
Will you give me my sick leave or not?
Yes, I'll give it to you.
Since you're here, let's check things.
Are you going to undress?
You know, it's handy to know
when the baby's due.
- Everything?
- You'll do like that.
Lie down here now.
What's that?
The heart.