Not very clever of you.
I know.
I'm afraid we can save it.
See you tomorrow.
I've been waiting for you.
- Come in.
- Don't I get a kiss?
What was that ambulance?
I was with Mrs Melikian.
- I was at the supermarket.
- Yeah?
And who did you see?
She said you were off sick.
Yes. But I'm not sick.
You haven't been back.
The Morel girl has replaced you.
Lydie seemed surprised that I didn't know.
I'm working for Mrs Melikian.
I wanted to keep the other job.
Too late now.
She's hired you to embroider?
Yes, not to clean her house!
- Are you happy?
- Yes, I'm happy!
You don't look it.
You should have told us.