Did you see a dog...a short haired dog?
That big...with short hair.
Excuse me?
I'm looking for my dog.
I saw something on the road...
couldn't tell if it was a dog.
You saw her ?
No, I saw something cross the road,
but I can't tell if it was her.
Where did she go?
I don't know...
this way I think.
There, this way...
Hey come back ! Come back young man !
Come back !
Hey young man...come back!
My name's Boris.
Ok Boris, can you help me ?
My van's stuck
and I saw a sign for an inn.
The inn ?
The inn isn't far away.
But I gotta find Bella.
Just tell me where it is,
that's all I need.
Can you please tell me
where the inn is ?
Follow me.
But be quiet, so I can hear Bella.
Hey wait,
I can't live my van here !