
Gonna die!
Gonna die!
- You locking me in there, Ebony?
- First get in there, then speak!

- Don't throw Dagger in here, Ebony!
- We don't want trouble.

Get the hell out, damn it!
So? I'm all ears.
How come he's so mad at you?

You heard, Lula came out of nowhere
with a knife and tried to kill me.

I dodged, and we scuffled
till they broke us up.

The rest you know.
Good morning, Mr. Pires.
I do apologize for this
disgusting behavior...

which has invaded
our household today.

Only this idiot Lula, a young,
inexperienced con...

suddenly got this attitude, without
even asking permission!

Dagger killed my father!
He killed my father! It was him!

I sure did, kid.
And not only him,
I've killed plenty more besides!

Mr. Pires!

Dagger killed my father
in front of my mother.

He's been telling everyone he
recognized her on Visitors Day.

You gonna deny that, asshole?
Are you gonna deny it? Are you?

Ebony, please.
Tell the kid he doesn't know
half the story. If he did...

Son of a bitch!
I'll kill you!

Tell him to ask his mother if she
was really as upset as all that.

Or was it a relief when I came
and grabbed his belt from him?

Lies! that's a lie!
Like hell it is!
