Agenor Barbosa, inmate 15027,
your brothers Pedro, Luis...
and Felicio are waiting
for you at the barbershop.
Deusdete, this is Catarina
I told you about.
This is me.
Franci's told me a lot about you.
Nothing good, I hope!
Only the best.
She was even a bit jealous...
when I said I wanted to meet you,
right Franci?
Hi, Franci.
Wow, you're so thin.
Been eating too much junk?
Sure thing. But that's the least
of it, right Zico?
Son, have you been taking
good care of your brother?
You bet, Godmother!
The game's starting, the referee
blows the whistle...
and they're off! There goes Neto,
and he's through...
to the penalty area, playing
beautifully, passing one player...
dribbling that ball, and Highness
takes a shot...
Inmate Josué "Highness" Santos,
Section 9302...
come immediately to the entrance
of Pavillon 9.
I'll be right back.
Joel Firmino and his wife, Lucinda,
please come to the loudspeakers...
where your lost son
is waiting for you.