There she is.
My leading lady, my star.
Sound, speed and...
Hey! Fart knocker!
l'm gonna kill you!
Stop it!
Cut it out!
Cut it out! Aah!
Not so tight!
Let go!
- Hi.
- Oh, come on!
- Why don't you pick on someone
your own size?
- Ah, climber girl.
Go contaminate someone else.
Oh, look.!
Here come Captain Cool.!
Loser number three.
[ Laughs ]
Look, l'm having a barbecue at my house,
if you guys wanna come over.
- Definitely.
- Definitely.
Hey, l don't know
if you heard...
but Bad Chad picked up a shift
at your mama's bank.
l'll be working with Lieutenant Ferrell
in security.
One step closer
to being a cop.
Don't worry. Ferrell won't let Bad Chad
carry a weapon. He's an intern!
Trainee, butt munch!
Sorry. He's training to be a butt munch.
Doing a good job, too!
- l'm gonna brain you.! Get over here.!
- [ Gus ] l'm gonna tell Mom.!
[ Chad ]
You are so dead.!
- When l catch you, l'm gonna
give you a purple nurple--
- So immature!
lsn't he?
[ P.A. Announcer ] Okay, folks,
race number three will start in five minutes.
So let's get ready to...
step on the gas
and let's kick some... butt!
lt's race time!
[ Cheering ]