You talkin' to me? Huh?
Are you talkin' to me?
[ Chuckling ]
lt's De Niro.
l still do some acting.
This bank manager thing is just temporary.
Come on. You try it.
l don't know
what to say.
Say anything.
- Hi.
- Disgusting.
ln this room there's a tunnel
that leads to the safe.
l can only tell you
a little bit about the safe.
Only your mom understands the whole thing.
After all, she designed it.
- [ Barking ]
- Oh! No! My God!
[ Sighs ]
l can't wait until we get rid of these things.
They get me every time.
Down.! Shh.!
[ Shouting ] Rottweilers respond
to German commands only!
Ausfahrt, Killer.
Say "Ausfahrt, Killer. '"
Do it, or he'll rip your throat out!
- Ass fart!
You must show them respect.!
- Ouch fart!
- [ lmitates Buzzer ]
Wrong answer.
- [ Barking ]
- Ass fart! Ass fart!
- [ Chuckling ]
-No.! Go away.! Ass fart.!
##[ Pop ]
##[ Man Singing ]
Get outta here, kid,
before l turn him loose on you!
No respect.!
- Come on! [ Barks ]
- ##[ Man Continues ]
##[ Woman Joins Man Singing ]