Okay, work for your daddy.
[ Engine Accelerating ]
lt worked!
l'm a genius!
But how am l gonna stop?
Maybe l'm not a genius!
[ Maddy ]
Mr. Hartmann's a really nice guy.
- Do you have your script?
- [ Austin ] l'm the director.
l'm always prepared.
[ Gus, Mocking ]
""l'm always prepared. '"
[ Maddy ] Austin,you just have to get him
to say to turn the alarm--
[ Austin ]
Off.l know, l know.
- Come on. Hurry up.
- l'm coming.
Wait for me!
Take it easy. Take it easy.!
Take it easy.
All right, here.
Maddy's playing the girl
who's home alone and scared of the dark.
You play her dad,
who walks in just as the alarm blares.
Wh-Wh-What do l do
for a living?
l'm glad you asked.
You work for a specialized branch
of the C.l.A.
Ohh, l like that.
l've always wanted to play an assassin.
here's your chance.
You are a C.l.A. assassin.
[ Exhales ]
Um, can l get a water, please?
Can l talk to you
for a second? Over here.
Um, okay.
Which is stronger...
hair... or no hair?
- l-- l think hair.
- Okay.
-Six slick Schick super shavers.
- And we're ready.
[ Yawning Noises ]