And strike, and strike,
like a cobra!
[ Shrieking ]
- Haah! Hoo!
- Oh!
- Lieuten--
- Ohh!
Lesson one, Chad.
Never take your eyes
off the enemy.
[ Gus On Radio ]
Take this for a test drive.
[ Groans ]
Dude, the way your feet smell,
it's just--
it's not normal.
God, Gus!
[ Groans ]
Oh, my God.
[ Sighs ]
- [ Sensor Beeps ]
- [ Maddy ] Gotcha.
[ Sensor Beeps ]
- [ Alarm Sounding ]
- What's that?
[ Female Computer Voice ]
Motion detected, north staircase.
Check the monitors.
Check the monitors!
l don't see anything.
[ Exhales ]
That's when your enemy is their most
dangerous-- when you can't see them.
This is a test.
l just know it.
l'll go downstairs,
make a round.
- [ Exhales ]
- You stay here...
and take care
of your... privates.
[ Groans ]
You stay in this booth!
Okay, it worked.
Well, sort of-- Ferrell's gone. But now
Bad Chad's alone in the security booth.
[ Austin ]
Just hold on. We'll think of something.
[ Exhales ]
[ Farts ]