- Red light!
- How long do we have to stay like this?
- [ Click ]
- Go!
- Red light!
- [ Cooing ]
[ Austin ]
Green light.!
Go, go, go, go!
[ Beeping ]
- [ Beeps ]
- All right, you guys.
- l'm online.
- [ Maddy ] All right, Max.
l'll be right back. l just gotta
go bust this bank so we can save Dad.
Gimme five.
- Red light.
- [ Whirring ]
Green light!
- Red light.
- [ Whirring Continues ]
Do you see
any dogs in there?
l'm searching now. Nothing in the cages.
They must be somewhere else.
lt's all clear. Okay.
- Camera panning... off.
- [ Beep ]
[ Two Beeps ]
- [ Blabbering ]
- No, Max! No!
Go back, Maddy!
[ Whirring Continues ]
- [ Max Laughing ]
- Max, no! Not the camera!
This is not a toy.
No, not a toy.
- Austin!
- Max!