...I was designing ads for beauty cream.
- You are so addicted to that stuff, Sally.
- Happily.
- Beau-Iine is magic in a bottle.
- I don't know how you get it.
- It's not even in production yet.
- We have our ways.
- Hey.
- No!
Headaches again.
My brain's all tight and cranky.
In one week, precisely, we will Iaunch
the most exciting...
...and revolutionary product
to hit the beauty industry since...
Now, Beau-Iine doesn't
just hide the effects of aging...
...it actually reverses them.
However, with change...
...must come sacrifice.
My husband...
...and I have decided that
it's time for me to step aside...
...as the face of Hedare.
It has been a magnificent 15 years.
But we have decided to choose
a new face to represent Beau-Iine.
The future of Hedare Beauty.
And now, Iadies and gentlemen,
I Iook forward...
...to seeing you at the gala, where you
can toast to Drina and our success.
Careful, George.
She's not old enough to drink.
You've got more talent than anybody
in the building, which I hate you for.
Sal, this is my first Iead campaign.
It's gotta be perfect. You know that.
What is wrong with you?!
Good Iuck.
You simply couldn't resist it, could you?
You had to make
a scene out of it, Laurel.
What's the matter, George?
Did I steal your moment?
Come in!