Well, that's something else.
Oh, my gosh, I'm Iate for my job!
- I'm on a deadline today.
- Yeah? Well, good Iuck with that.
Thank you!
After all, no one can defeat Father Time.
Though you did put up
a hell of a fight, didn't you?
Beau-Iine works wonders, doesn't it?
Yes, it does.
I have a busy day today.
Drinks, then dinner.
Don't wait up, will you, darling?
I stopped waiting
a Iong time ago, George.
Oh, and that Iunch tomorrow?
- Cancel that too, will you?
- Problems?
I doubt it...
...but Slavicky won't stop calling.
You know scientists.
They're worse than models. You have to
coddle them all the time Iike Iittle children.
I'II have Wesley reschedule. Bye.
Hey! Man sandwich, 12 o'clock.
Oh, my God.