- I'II try.
- Oh, I gotta go.
Future father of my children's coming.
Sweet dreams, honey.
Excuse me.
I think I might have a fever.
- Shut that off!
- Get a Iife!
Yeah, get a Iife, you Ioser!
Sorry, babe.
This ain't the slumber party.
...in your case,
I can make an exception.
I'm flattered.
But do you think this one time...
...you could turn the music down
just a Iittle...
Tell you what,
why don't I do it myself?
Hey! Hey! Listen, you freak--
I'm sorry, what did you say?
Is the music still too Ioud?
You hear that? It's called silence.
That's all I ever wanted.
Now, keep it down.
Thanks for the party. I had fun.