Do you want to die here?
Oh, shit!
No, please.
My family hasn't done
anything to you.
Your husband left a message
asking you to meet him in left field.
Where is that?
What? L... I don't know.
I don't know.
Go to the window.
There's something
I want you to see.
Dimitri, bring him out.
You got three seconds
to tell me where left field is,
or you're never gonna see
your son again.
Oh, God. Oh, God!
He's a baby, you bastard!
He's a baby!
- Yeah, come on...
- He's a baby, he's a baby!
What's the matter
with you, huh?
He's a baby,
he's a baby!
Yeah, you wanna play?
You wanna play?
You wanna play
with me? Huh?