- Shit!
- What?
- They're already here.
- Ryan, just find Craig.
Don't worry,
don't worry.
I got them.
This is the final
boarding call for Orly,
flight 180,
with service to Paris...
Okay, what does
your husband look like?
Please have your
boarding passes ready
before entering
the security checkpoint...
About six feet tall,
really good shape, 40s.
What else?
What's he wearing?
Blue jeans, blue jeans,
he wears blue jeans all the time.
A Lakers jacket.
He had that on this morning.
No, it's ridiculous.
Okay, man,
I'll call you later.
Have a wonderful trip,
Mr. Clouseau.
Ah, oui-oui.
I'm sorry, excuse me.
Or I miss
my flight.
This is code red,
code red.
Concourse A.
Security checkpoint.
Excuse me.
Step this way, please.
- Is there a problem?
- Is this your jacket, Sir?
- Yeah.
- He's got a gun.
Wait, wait!
Down, down, down!
Don't move, don't move.
- Stay down.
- All right, take it easy.
We're police officers.
What's the matter with you?
Look in the goddamn tray.
Check my ID.