Because I'd kept it in for so long,
it was quite a dump
I felt great afterwards,
till I noticed how dark it had gotten
I suddenly felt scared and went home
But on the way back, I started thinking
What the hell was a huge egg
like that doing there?
And why did someone try to bury it?
And on top of that,
why did I have to shit on it?
Normally I'd have brought it back home,
a big egg like that
And thinking like that made me feel
really miserable
But I let it pass for the day
After that I kept going back
to look for it, but it just
It's not like I wasn't familiar
with the forest, y'know?
But I couldn't find it
So I finally gave up looking
And that's when this guy showed up
What guy?
A guy covered with tattoos, bleeding
You mean, like a ghost or something?
Yeah, maybe
He'd be watching me at every turn
It was freaky He'd be there whenever
I let my guard down
Like when?
Like when I'd be cleaning up at school
Raking the school yard
cleaning out the chicken coop
You were cleaning 24/7!
Shut up! He also appeared when I was
studying, right here in this room!
And when I visited the shrine
Anyway, he'd show up, no
He'd just be there, watching me