Chasing Liberty

-ls that Anna Foster?
-How can you stand to have people...

-...staring at you all the time?
-lt's part of the job description.

After six years in the White House...
...and eight as the governor's daughter,
l don't really know anything else.

l think you'd get all this attention
if you weren't the first daughter.

You look good in that blouse.
You should wear that more often.

Actually, it's a sweater.
Sweater, blouse, you wear it well.
Take a compliment.

-Have you heard from Rhode lsland?
-l got in.

-Congratulations. l knew you would.
-My parents are pushing premed.

l think parents want you to appreciate
the good things in life, but not do them.

-They want you to see art....
-We got something at 9:00.

--but not make art. They want you
to have love, find love and value love...

...but not make love, ever.
Thought l'd make this night
more memorable.

He's reaching. Go!
-What are you guys doing?
-Wait, these are my friends.

-You don't know what you're doing!
-Get off me!

This street is off-limits.
lt's only a camera.
Okay, folks, it's over.
Clear the street.

-l'm so sorry.
-l should wait for them.

No, come on, it's still early.
We could go catch a movie or something.
:07:35 are really great.
But this is just way
too out of control for me.

l'm sorry.
Of course you can kiss me.
Weiss to Control.
Returning home with Liberty.
