How come he's still moving
even though he's dead.
Who gives a shit?
How about stowing him
under the bed?
- Hope he didn't bite my jacket.
- He didn't.
- Hey, you.
- What?
- Let's fuck.
- What?
Let's fuck, you porno-Jehovist.
Hey, I might be dead
in a few minutes.
And for the first time I have
a chance to fuck a pro,
and I know it'll be hot.
- A logical consideration.
- Sorry, I can't work just now.
- Anyone got a cigarette?
- No.
- I quit.
- Me too. I'm such an idiot.
Man, he's really jonesing.
- What's the matter?
- The bastard bit me!
- Do something!
- Like what?
Fuck! It hurts!
He's changing.
He got bit and he's changing.
- Don't let him bite you!
- We shouldn't do anything rash.
There's still time
to think of something
while he's moaning there.
He's gone. Fuck, that was quick.