Why would we get a tan before the cruise?
I thought the whole point was to get a tan
during the cruise.
Look at our skin.
We kind of look like uncooked chicken.
You look like a corpse.
And you could use a little help yourself.
Thank you.
Dear God, this should be outlawed.
Okay, calm down.
Excuse me.
Excuse me. Hello!
I need a BAND-AID.
Nora Krank?
Father Zabriskie. Hello.
What are you doing here?
It's a mall. I'm Christmas shopping.
Of course you are.
Are you okay?
Yes. Sort of.
You're bleeding.
Yes, it's just a scratch.
Could I get another towel, please?
I'm looking for a BAND-AID.
Jeez, lady, make up your mind.
Nora, I hear it from a good source
that you and Luther...
have decided not to observe Christmas
this year.
Yeah, sort of.
Father Zabriskie, Luther and I are fine.
Everything is fine,
and everything is completely normal.
Attendant said you were bleeding.
Are you all right?