"Every Who down in Who-ville
liked Christmas a lot.
"But the Grinch who lived
just north of Who-ville did not.
"The Grinch hated Christmas,
the whole Christmas season.
"Now, please don't ask why,
no one quite knows the reason.
"It could be his head
wasn't screwed on just right.
"It could be, perhaps,
that his shoes were too tight.
"But I think
that the most likely reason of all...
"may have been that his heart
was two sizes too small."
Luther, your face.
-What about it?
-It's like it's frozen or something.
I got a BOTOX injection today.
BOTOX treatment.
They take a big needle
and they inject it into your forehead.
It freezes your face like this.
I read it in a health magazine.
-How long are you gonna be like this?
-This is temporary.
And then you got all your wrinkles are gone.
-You should try this.
-You ought to get your money back.
-I can't live like this anymore.