Christmas with the Kranks

Your mom's getting on the other line,
then we have something fun to tell you.

-Hi, Mommy.

Hi, honey. It's Mommy.
How are you? Where are you?

I'm in Miami,
and I'm coming home for Christmas.

-Are you guys surprised?

-I'm stunned.

-We landed about an hour ago.
-That's great!

-What do you mean "we"?
-I have another wonderful surprise.

-Yeah? What is it?
-I'm with Enrique.

-What's a rique?

He's a doctor. We went to Brown together.
You guys met him a couple of times.
At my dorms and at my graduation.

-Of course.
-I don't remember.

He's Peruvian.
-Great. A Communist.

-Sometimes we called him Rick.

The guy that you went down there
to shack up with.

He lived in a separate hut, Dad.
Hut schmut. I want to see pictures
to prove that.

We've been friends for years.
And he's just so wonderful.

We fell in love while working together...
and he's asked me to marry him.
And I really want to.
Enrique has always gone home
for the holidays, so he's...

never celebrated Christmas
in America. And he's so excited.

I told him all about Christmas there.
The tree, the decorations...

Frosty up on the roof. Everything.
Is it snowing, Daddy?

You know,
Enrique has never seen a white Christmas.

No, but I sense a storm coming.
Okay, when do you land?
When do you get in?

-We land at 8:03.

Yes, tonight. Just in time
for our big Christmas Eve party.

You are having the party, aren't you, Mom?
Of course we are.
Great! Mom, you are going to love Enrique.
He wants to have a houseful of kids.
Oh, Mom, I can't wait to be home.
Pretty neat surprise?

I am speechless!
And your father is probably overwhelmed.
Great. I love you, Mommy.
I love you too, honey. Safe flight.
Okay, I'll see you here.
