I'm sorry about this little ugly bush.
-Merry Christmas.
-It is, isn't it?
-Duke Scanlon.
-Hi, Duke.
The same guy who brought you...
that beautiful Canadian blue spruce
a few weeks back.
Okay, great! Merry Christmas to you.
I need another blue spruce just like that.
I really need a tree right now.
What do you got left?
Just one.
You know what? I like it. I'll take that one.
-Yeah. How much is it?
-It says $15 right there.
-Yeah. Supply and demand.
-That's kind of a rip-off, isn't it?
The Scouts could sure use
your $75 donation for their camporee.
What do you guys say I give you $25?
$75. Take it or leave it.
-Hey, Wes.
-Hey, Luther. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you, too, man.
I'm in a little bit of a bind.
I got to be at my in-laws' by 5:00.
I should've left two hours ago.
Let me give you a hand.
This won't take long.
Listen to me. My plans have changed.
I got a call from Blair.
She's coming home tonight.