Club Dread

I'm the one who taught 'Dre
to play Cocks and Quarters.

If you can believe it,
he'd never played Cocks and Quarters.

Wow. That's interesting.
- Yeah, it's- Well, it's-
- Hey, snow bunny!

- Give me a Drambuie, neat.
- you got it.

Well, all alone, huh?. Well, don't worry.
"No woman, no cry," right, mon?.

Actually, I was quite engaged
until you bullied yourway in here.

Yeah, I heard you. Something about, uh,
Cocks and Quarters?.

you know, we have that game in the States
too, except we call it Hide the Sausage.

I beg your pardon?. Excuse me,
new fellow, please cut offthis minor.

Oh, come on! Ifthere's grass
on the field, then play ball.

Right, guv'nor?.
Hey, Sammy, hit me!

Gracias, Sheriff.

Legalize it!
Hey, late night fun
at the campfire in one hour.

- And don't forget your condoms.
- Tequila! Who wants some?

Hey, what, are you dancing alone?.
Hey, sweetie. Come here.

Whoo! I now pronounce you
Mr. and Mrs. Funzy!

you owe me one, bro.
Uh, may I kiss the bride?.
- Um... do you work here?.
- I do.

I'm Juan Castillo.
I am dive master.

Like, cliffs, or-or-
Cliffs, rocks, boards.
Whatever you wish.

Oh, that is a beautiful name.
"Peenalop. "

It's breathtaking.

Um, thank you.
So, tell me, what brings you
here to us, Peenalop?.

Oh, oh. I'm on spring break.
I go to Oral Roberts.

Oral Roberts?.
Is that anything like an Anal Johnson?.

'Cause, well,
I've done that a few times.

Or am I thinking ofa Dirty Sanchez?.
That's the one.

- I don't know what that is.
- Uh... it's not for you.

- Oh, my God!
- Ah,yes.
