Code 46

I think about the day we met.
I suppose you arrived par avion.
Maybe you were the first
to get to security.

You didn't intend to stay.
You only had 24 hour coverage
so only carry-ons.

And they probably had
a driver waiting

so you didn't have to find
a car.

You'd never been to Shanghai before,
it was all new to you.

How do people live out here?
It's not living, just existing.
- You ever liveafuera?
- No.

Can I have your cover please?
Candies, sherbet fountains,
cigarettes, batteries, hair cuts.

- Hair cuts? Never seen that before!
- I'll show you.

- Give me two sherbet fountains.
- Two sherbet fountains.

Take me in, mister. I can do haircuts.
I'm wasted out here.

You got a spare cover?
I only cover for one.
- I'm sorry.
- You want to swap places with me?

- You?
- I wear the suit, you wear this.

It's tempting! Good luck.
- What's your name?
- Nabil.

I don't think it's a good idea
to encourage them.
