Carmen Gonzalez
returned to Shanghai,
remarried to...
Maria Gonzalez,
height: 165 cm...
- De Souza wants you.
- What about?
There's been a fatality in Asia,
a guy was traveling
on one of the papers from Shanghai.
- Do you want a coffee?
- No, thanks.
- Someone died yesterday.
- I know, do you have details?
A man had una cosa about bats,
wanted to go to Delhi.
The place to be
if you like bats, apparently.
He couldn't get cover because he had
an ineluctable disposition
to Wards disease.
- Do you know it?
- No.
It makes you bleed to death.
Most people in Delhi are immune
which is why he couldn't get cover.
Which is why he bought fake papeles,
which is why
he bled to death yesterday.
- What was his name?
- Damian Alekan.
The papeles are from the same
printer as the one you investigated.
I'm sorry.
Get back on a plane, make it right,
so you won't be sorry anymore.
- There's someone else you can send?
- Why would you want me to do that?
I had some trouble when I was there,
some trouble with the virus, I think.
We all have problems, William.
The way we deal with them
is a measure of our worth.
Go back tomorrow.
Where did you get that from?