Code 46

You met him at a bar
and you sold him a papel
which allowed him to go to Delhi.

- When did he die?
- One week ago.

I've been in here for ten days.
The papeles were issued prior
to you arriving here.

I'm tired, I would like to rest.
Miss Gonzalez is still
in recovery.

Why is she in here?
- Please, don't use the word finger...
- Her finger has just been...

It was damaged and re-grown on
her family's insurance 22 years ago.

I know a lot about Miss Gonzalez,
she was pregnant when she came.

I also know that you have no interest
in impeding my investigation.

She violated code 4.
We aborted the pregnancy and took out
the memory cluster around it.

- The baby was terminated?
- There was no baby.

Just a pregnancy that was terminated
and the memory removed.

You've interfered
with the memory of a key witness
in an insurance fraud.

Her memory was very local. It's just
the man, sex act and pregnancy.

She doesn't remember the man at all?
The man, the sex, the
pregnancy, we've erased all of them.

It's the same Maria Gonzalez.
The finger was a placebo memory.

I moved it from her childhood.
I think it's very effective.

- When will she be able to leave?
- She's due to leave tomorrow.

I'm afraid I may have to ask you
to release her to me now.

Can you miss someone
you don't remember?
