Coffee and Cigarettes

Then Elvis had an idea.
"I'm tired of the music scene.
I'll send him out on tour."

Big mistake, because it was his brother
who started to go to Vegas...

and wear them big collars,
the white jumpsuits, and the capes.

Elvis wouldn't do that.
And it was his brother who got really fat.

You know, eating those
banana-fried butter sandwiches and all.

The Colonel said, "We gotta get rid
of this guy. He can't be Elvis anymore."

So they started feeding him pills.
I think they killed him.

So what? What are you saying?
What's the punch line?

- Y'all are Elvis fans?
- No.

You wanna hear something about Elvis?
I'll tell you something about him.

- You ever heard of Otis Blackwell?
- No, ma'am.

- You ever heard of Junior Parker?
- No, ma'am.

Yeah, I didn't think so.
You know, Elvis robbed their music, man.

He paid them $10 for their music,
and all these other black musicians, too.

- That's what I think of Elvis.
- Here's where my theory fits.

I don't think it was Elvis.
I think it was his brother.

So in that case, it's all right?
My favorite Elvis quote is, "The only thing
colors can do for me is shine my shoes."

I don't think the King said that.
See, I think it was his evil twin.

Danny, what you doing over there?
You got tables to wait on. Come on.

- I'll be right back.
- Yeah, don't get fired, man.

Slaphappy hillbilly.
Something smells funny in here.
Is that my shirt you got on?
No, I don't think so.
Yeah, I think it is.
This doesn't smell like me.

Yeah? What do you smell like?
I smell like me,
and this doesn't smell like me.

- I smell like me, too.
- But this smells like you.

That's because I am me.
