We're into plan B.
You still breathing?
We gotta make the best of it.
Improvise. Adapt to the environment.
Darwin. Shit happens. I Ching.
Whatever. We got to roll with it.
"l Ching"? You threw a man
out of a window.
I didn't throw him. He fell.
- [Max Well, what did he do to you?
- What?
- [Max What did he do to you?
- Nothing. I only met him tonight.
You just met him once and you kill him?
I should only kill people
after I get to know them?
- No, man.
- Six billion people on the planet,
and you're bent out of shape
because of one fat guy.
- Who was he?
- What do you care?
- Have you ever heard of Rwanda?
- Yes, I know Rwanda.
Tens of thousands killed
before sundown.
Nobody's killed people that fast
since Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
- Did you bat an eye, Max?
- What?
Did you join Amnesty lnternational
or Oxfam?
Save the Whale, Greenpeace
or something? No.
I off one fat Angeleno
and you throw a hissy fit.
I don't know any Rwandans.
You don't know the guy
in that trunk either.
If it makes you feel better,
he was a criminal
involved in a continuing
criminal enterprise.
What, you just taking out the garbage?
- Something like that.
- [siren]
- [officer] Pull over to the right.
- Shit.
- [Vincent] Get rid of them.
- How?
[Vincent] You're a cabby.
Talk yourself out of a ticket.
- Please, don't do anything.
- Then don't let me get cornered.
- You don't have trunk space.
- I can't believe this.
- Believe it.
- Don't. I'll talk to them.
[radio] A domestic disturbance.
No additional units needed.
He's probably married.
The other one has kids.
Probably his wife's pregnant.
- [tapping]
- I'll take care of it. I got it.
Just a second.
How you doing? My partner's going
to help you out on that side.
- License, registration.
- Uh, yeah.