
[Lenny] Max, answer.
Don't blow it.
- Lenny, what's up? It's me.
- Just got off the phone with the cops.

Desk sergeant called to check
if you brought the cab in.

Yeah, so?
So aside from
I hate talking to cops,

they tell me you crashed
the goddamn cab?

No. No, I got crashed into. I didn't...
Do I care what, where, why?
You're paying.

It was an accident.
You're not liable.

It was an accident.
I'm not liable.

I'm making you liable.
It's coming out of your pocket.

T ell him to stick this cab
up his fat ass.

- I can't. That's my boss.
- So?

- I need my job.
- No, you don't.

[Lenny] You still there?
I'm talking to you.

He's not paying you
a damn thing.

[Lenny] Who the hell is this?
Albert Riccardo, Asst. U.S. Attorney.
A passenger in this cab
and I'm reporting you to the DMV.

[Lenny] Let's not get excited.
How do I not get excited, listening to you
try to extort a working man?

You know goddamn well
your collision policy

and liability umbrella
will cover the damages.

What are you trying to pull,
you sarcastic prick?

- [Lenny] I was just...
- Tell it to him.

Here, tell him he's an asshole.
Go ahead.

You're an asshole.
Tell him he pulls this shit again,
you'll stick this yellow cab up his fat ass.

And next time you pull any shit...
I'll have to stick this yellow cab
up your fat ass.

