- Mothers are worse.
- Wouldn't know.
My mother died
before I remember her.
What happened to your father?
Hated everything I did.
Got drunk, beat me up, foster homes.
Went back with him. Like that.
Then what?
I killed him.
I was 1 2.
I'm kidding.
He died of liver disease.
Well, I'm sorry.
No, you're not.
So, what is this "driving a cab temporarily."
It's all bullshit?
It is not bullshit.
[Vincent] 1 2 years isn't temporary.
Got to get the cash together.
Insurance, bonds, maintenance, tires.
Got to staff up,
get the right client list.
It's not just get the car
and put asses in the seats.
Why not?
Because lsland Limos
is more than just a ride.
It's like a club experience.
Cool groove.
Don't want it to end.
It's got to be perfect.
It's up here. Turn right.