In kindergarten, she used to
bite the heads off dolls.
Who's that guy smiling at us?
That's Sam.
Sam, Lola.
Lola, Sam.
It's your first day here, right?
Well, it's good to meet you.
You too.
I'll see you later.
I couldn't possibly have
a boyfriend.
I mean, I have to focus
on my acting career.
After three weeks,
I'm getting used to
the rich part of town.
Gated, dull, Armani-ridden.
You know, I'm the kind of
riffraff they try to keep out.
When Stu Wolff sings,
"There's something in me
that always wants more.
More moons and stars
and music in the wind,"
it's as though
he's just talking to me.
I like Steve.
I bet Stu is hard
to get along with.
You can tell he's sort of moody.
All true geniuses are haunted.
It's part of what they have to
suffer for their art.
Popovers, ladies.
This is just like eating
in a diner. Thank you.
Well, surely you have
popovers at home.
I just popped them
in the microwave.
My mother doesn't approve
of microwaves.
She has very strong opinions.
I've never heard
of anyone taking a stance
on an appliance before.