The majority of my patients
come here for complaining.
Nobody wants to listen to others anymore.
Not even hairdressers or waiters
have got the patience anymore.
This young woman
has found the ideal listener in you.
But it's not a good thing...
Since she hasn't got
any serious pathologies...
I can't forbid you to see her.
Your job, after all,
is not very different from mine.
We both deal with
the same types of neurosis:
what is declared
and what is kept hidden.
Well, I can listen to her,
but as for solving problems...
The lady's or yours?
Mr. Faber is going to be busy for a while.
You hadn't got an appointment, Miss...
And after that, he has another appointment.
I'll wait.
Can I deduce the customs duty?
Otherwise they'll tax me twice,
and that's not fair.
Last time it was even an old stock.
I can't accept your case,
too many details are missing.
But you have got everything...
Yes, but it's a complex case.
- Yes, but...
- No, I'm telling you your case is complex,
very, very complex. Do you understand?
We'll speak about it some other time.
I'm sorry
After you.
See you.